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Discover and download high-quality CSS animations to enhance your website's design.

This is a slide-in animation
Start animation
Slide with snapping effect and multiple scaling steps
Start animation
Slide with zoom effect and blur
Start animation
Slide with distortion, blur, and fade
Start animation
Triple parallax effect with sliding and scaling
Start animation
Bouncy sliding with scaling and opacity change
Start animation
A spiral motion with scale and rotation
Start animation
This animation slides in from the left and fades in.
Start animation
This animation slides in from the bottom, scales, and fades in.
Start animation
This animation slides in from the right with scaling and fading.
Start animation
This animation scales down, fades, and slides out downward.
Start animation
This animation slides up, scales up, and fades in.
Start animation
This animation slides in from the top with scaling and fading.
Start animation
This animation bounces up, fades, and slides down with scaling.
Start animation
This animation slides in from the right, scales up, and slides out to the left.
Start animation
This animation slides in from the left, bounces, scales, and fades.
Start animation
This is an animation where the element scales down, fades, and slides out downward.
Start animation
This is an animation where the element scales up, fades in, and slides in from below.
Start animation
This is a slide-out animation
Start animation
This is a slide-up animation
Start animation
This is a slide-down animation
Start animation
This is a slide-in from the top with expansion animation
Start animation
This is a slide-in from the left with expansion animation
Start animation
This is a diagonal slide animation
Start animation
This animation combines sliding and fading
Start animation
This animation adds a bounce effect to the slide
Start animation
This animation combines sliding with a zoom effect
Start animation
This is a slow slide-in animation with a smooth finish
Start animation
This animation combines sliding with a spin effect
Start animation
This is a bouncing animation
Start animation
This is an upward bounce animation
Start animation
This animation creates a horizontal bouncing effect
Start animation
This animation bounces with a slight rotation
Start animation
This animation creates a squishy bounce effect
Start animation
This animation bounces diagonally
Start animation
This animation combines bouncing with pulsing
Start animation
This animation bounces in random directions
Start animation
This is a fade-in animation
Start animation
This is a fade-out animation
Start animation
This is a fade-in and fade-out loop animation
Start animation
This animation fades in while sliding up
Start animation
This animation fades in while sliding down
Start animation
This animation fades in with a subtle rotation
Start animation
This animation fades in with a slight zoom effect
Start animation
Start animation
This animation fades in while moving diagonally
Start animation
This is a zoom-in animation
Start animation
This is a zoom-out animation
Start animation
This animation zooms in with a bouncing effect
Start animation
This animation creates a pulsating zoom effect
Start animation
This animation zooms in with a twist
Start animation
This is a zoom-in vertically and horizontally
Start animation
This animation zooms in with a flash effect
Start animation
This animation zooms and wobbles simultaneously
Start animation
This animation zooms in with a 3D rotation
Start animation
This animation zooms in with an elastic effect
Start animation
This animation zooms in with a bounce effect.
Start animation
This animation zooms out with an elastic effect and fades away.
Start animation
This animation zooms in with a shadow effect.
Start animation
This animation zooms in while rotating 360 degrees.
Start animation
This animation zooms in and flips around the Y-axis.
Start animation
This animation zooms in with a 3D perspective effect.
Start animation
This animation zooms in with a waving effect and fades in.
Start animation
This animation zooms in with staggered scaling and opacity changes.
Start animation
This animation zooms in and flips out with a 360-degree rotation.
Start animation
This animation zooms out with a pulsing effect.
Start animation
This animation zooms in with a 3D effect and expands from the center.
Start animation
This is a clockwise rotation animation
Start animation
This is a counterclockwise rotation animation
Start animation
This animation swings back and forth like a pendulum
Start animation
This animation rotates while zooming in and out
Start animation
This animation rotates while bouncing vertically
Start animation
This animation rotates while moving diagonally
Start animation
This animation rotates with an elastic effect
Start animation
This animation rotates and cycles through background colors
Start animation
This animation rotates in 3D space along both X and Y axes
Start animation
This animation rotates with a twist effect, scaling in and out
Start animation
This animation rotates while fading in and out, creating a ripple effect
Start animation
This animation rotates while pulsing in size, creating a rhythmic effect
Start animation
This animation rotates with a zigzag motion across the X-axis
Start animation
This animation creates a swing-like motion, gently rotating back and forth
Start animation
This animation flips the element back and forth like a card
Start animation
This is a glowing text animation
Start animation
This is a sliding text animation
Start animation
This creates a wave-like effect where the text moves up and down.
Start animation
This animation cycles through a rainbow of colors for the text.
Start animation
Increase Text Size
Start animation
This makes the text's shadow sweep around for a dynamic effect.
Start animation
This is a flip X animation
Start animation
This is a flip Y animation
Start animation
This animation flips diagonally across X and Y axes.
Start animation
This animation flips the element on the Z-axis for a spinning effect.
Start animation
This animation flips along the X-axis with a bouncing effect.
Start animation
This animation simulates a cube rotating along the Y-axis.
Start animation
This animation performs a 3D flip along all three axes.
Start animation
This animation combines flipping on the X-axis with a zooming effect.
Start animation
This animation flips along the Y-axis with a glowing box-shadow effect.
Start animation
This is a pulsing animation
Start animation
This is a fast pulsing animation
Start animation
This pulsing animation includes a glowing effect.
Start animation
This animation changes the element's color while pulsing.
Start animation
This animation adds a slight rotation during the pulse.
Start animation
This pulsing animation moves the element diagonally during the pulse.
Start animation
This animation expands the element's border while pulsing.
Start animation
This animation makes the box shadow spread out while pulsing.
Start animation
This animation adds a circular effect during the pulse.
Start animation
This animation grows and shrinks the border from transparent to a thicker yellow border
Start animation
Start animation
This animation draws a border from the left side of the element.
Start animation
This animation creates a border from the top side of the element.
Start animation
This animation creates a wave effect by sequentially adding borders to each side.
Start animation
This animation shifts the border colors in a smooth cycle, giving a dynamic, colorful effect.
Start animation
This animation makes the border pulse, expanding and contracting in size while alternating colors.
Start animation
This animation causes the border to bounce in by progressively appearing from each side.
Start animation
This animation shakes the box-shadow, creating a dramatic shadow effect around the border.
Start animation
This animation waves the borders in a circular motion, while dynamically changing the border-radius to create a 3D effect.
Start animation
This animation flashes the border while also applying a glowing effect to make it stand out.
Start animation
This animation moves the box-shadow around the element, creating a dancing effect.
Start animation
This animation shifts the perspective, creating a 3D tilting effect.
Start animation
This animation creates a smooth pulsing skew effect along the X-axis.
Start animation
This animation flips the element slightly with a skew effect along the Y-axis.
Start animation
This animation rotates the element smoothly in 3D space along both axes.
Start animation
This animation slides the element while applying a skew effect.
Start animation
This animation spins the element like a cube on the Y-axis.
Start animation
This animation zooms the element in and out in 3D space using perspective.
Start animation
This animation combines a skew effect with a pop-like scaling effect.
Start animation
This animation tilts the element in a smooth wave motion.
Start animation
This animation adds a glowing effect to the element as it skews along the X-axis.
Start animation
This animation combines a 3D flip with a skew effect and a bounce-like movement.
Start animation
This animation causes the box shadow to pulse, growing and shrinking like a glowing effect.
Start animation
This animation makes the box shadow swing side to side like it's moving back and forth.
Start animation
This animation makes the box shadow grow from the element's center, expanding outward for a glowing effect.
Start animation
This animation flickers the box shadow in and out, creating a dynamic, light-flashing effect.
Start animation
This animation makes the box shadow bounce vertically, creating the illusion that the element is bouncing.
Start animation
This animation smoothly changes the color of the box shadow, creating a transition between different colors.
Start animation
This animation alternates between a normal and inset box shadow, creating a dynamic, inward and outward effect.
Start animation
This animation makes the box shadow glow inward with a pulsating red effect, creating an atmospheric appearance.
Start animation
This animation oscillates the inset shadow diagonally, creating a dynamic, shifting light effect.
Start animation
This animation oscillates the inset shadow diagonally, creating a dynamic, shifting light effect.
Start animation
This animation creates a pulsing background color effect
Start animation
This animation gradually changes the background color
Start animation
This animation applies a blur effect to the background
Start animation
This animation creates a waving striped texture pattern
Start animation
This animation creates a waving striped texture pattern
Start animation
This animation shifts a gradient texture across the background
Start animation
This animation creates a grid texture with a pulsing effect
Start animation
This animation creates a noise-like effect using a repeating linear gradient
Start animation
This animation creates a dynamic diagonal line texture
Start animation
This animation creates a mosaic-like pattern with alternating colors
Start animation
This animation creates a floating bubble effect using radial gradients
Start animation
A wavy background pattern that animates in a rippling effect.
Start animation
A flip effect applied to a mosaic pattern that dynamically adjusts its grid size.
Start animation

Animation CSS

/* Select an animation to view its CSS */

Understanding CSS Keyframes

What Are Keyframes?

Keyframes in CSS allow you to define intermediary steps for animations, enabling smooth transitions between multiple states. By specifying styles at certain points (percentages) within the animation's duration, you can create complex animations.

@keyframes example {
  0% { transform: rotate(0deg); }
  50% { transform: rotate(180deg); }
  100% { transform: rotate(360deg); }

How to Use Keyframes

After defining keyframes, use the animation property to apply them to an element.

div {
  animation: example 2s ease-in-out infinite;

The animation shorthand consists of the following properties:

animation-nameThe name of the keyframes block.
animation-durationHow long the animation takes (e.g., 2s).
animation-timing-functionControls the speed curve (e.g., ease-in).
animation-delayDelay before starting the animation.
animation-iteration-countNumber of times to play (or infinite).
animation-directionNormal, reverse, alternate, etc.
animation-fill-modeDetermines the styles before and after the animation runs.
animation-play-stateRunning or paused.

Here is an example using all animation properties:

@keyframes exampleAnimation {
  0% { transform: translateX(0); opacity: 0; }
  50% { transform: translateX(100px); opacity: 0.5; }
  100% { transform: translateX(200px); opacity: 1; }

div {
  animation: exampleAnimation 2s ease-in-out 1s infinite alternate forwards;
  /* animation-name: exampleAnimation;
    animation-duration: 2s;
    animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;
    animation-delay: 1s;
    animation-iteration-count: infinite;
    animation-direction: alternate;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards; */

Common Settings

Here are some common settings for CSS animations:

Timing Functionsease, linear, ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out, and custom cubic-bezier values.
Directionsnormal (default), reverse, alternate, alternate-reverse.
Fill Modesnone, forwards, backwards, both.

Latest Blogs

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The Future of Web Animations

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How to Master CSS Keyframes

How to Master CSS Keyframes

Learn how to use CSS keyframes to create seamless, high-performance animations.

A Deep Dive into CSS Transitions: When to Use Them vs. Keyframes

A Deep Dive into CSS Transitions: When to Use Them vs. Keyframes

Understand the difference between CSS transitions and keyframes.

Accessibility in Web Animations

Accessibility in Web Animations

Learn how to make your web animations accessible to all users.

Top 10 Tools for Creating Stunning CSS Animations

Top 10 Tools for Creating Stunning CSS Animations

Explore the best tools for creating and testing CSS animations.

CSS Animations with JavaScript

CSS Animations with JavaScript

Take your animations to the next level by integrating CSS with JavaScript for interactive, dynamic effects.

Creating Complex Layout Transitions

Creating Complex Layout Transitions

Learn how to animate CSS Grid layouts to create engaging, dynamic web designs.

CSS Animations for Mobile

CSS Animations for Mobile

Ensure your CSS animations run smoothly on mobile devices by following best practices for performance.

CSS Animation Delays and Duration for Precise Timing

CSS Animation Delays and Duration for Precise Timing

Get to know how to control the timing of your animations using delays and duration for better user experience.

CSS Animations for Accessibility

CSS Animations for Accessibility

Learn how to create animations that are both engaging and accessible for all users, including those with disabilities.

Best Browser Extensions for Website Styling

Best Browser Extensions for Website Styling

Discover the best browser extensions that help web developers with styling, testing, and enhancing their websites, including QuickStyle.

CSS Animations: From Concept to Implementation

CSS Animations: From Concept to Implementation

Understand the process of creating and implementing CSS animations for modern web design.

Creating Smooth Button Hover Effects with CSS

Creating Smooth Button Hover Effects with CSS

Enhance your user experience by creating smooth, interactive button hover effects with CSS.

Using CSS to Create Stunning Page Transitions

Using CSS to Create Stunning Page Transitions

Elevate your website's user experience with smooth page transitions using CSS.

Creating Responsive Animations with CSS

Creating Responsive Animations with CSS

Design animations that adapt to different screen sizes and devices with CSS for a responsive user experience.

Leveraging CSS for Animated Backgrounds

Leveraging CSS for Animated Backgrounds

Add depth and interactivity to your website by creating animated backgrounds with CSS.
